
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Rankings for Power 25: November 26, 2011

Rankings for Power 25: November 26, 2011
John Cena drops to the number 4th rank this week!

The Cenation leader may have teamed successfully with The Rock at Survivor Series, but he didn't look like a winner after being Rock Bottomed by The Great One.


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  1. its all because of rock. but cena u r #1 4 me.

  2. John should be higher on Power rankings this week... his own Survivor teammate "theRock" turned on Cena and attacked him! No teammate would do that! That was poor sportsmanship on Rock's part ... now I know why I never liked Rock to begin with...

  3. I know Cena will win every match .. where solo or in a team .. I do know he won't turn his back on his team&teammates because he's consistent. I'm proud to be in Cenation army!I stand with, beside and for Cena every step of the way! LOYALTY!
