
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Friend Of John Cena’s Reveals His Feelings On Being Booed

With a helping hand from John Cena, 40-year-old heavyweight boxer Monte Barrett participated in a week long training camp with WWE’s developmental league Florida Championship Wrestling in late October/early November. As a close friend of Cena’s, Barrett has personal insight on the WWE Superstar. He commented on the hostile reaction Cena receives from grappling fans on a weekly basis to Power Slam.

“We talked about that on [November 14, 2011] and I asked him. A lot of the fans say, “John’s not great, and he’s only got a certain amount of moves,” Barrett says.

“The Rock [left WWE] and John took over. He just told me, “I don’t take it personally, so you don’t either. It’s a job.” Me, I was bothered because the people booed him to death [on Raw]. Rock got a standing ovation. Who knows? John might take a back seat for a while.

“People got tired of Michael Jordan always winning, the Green Bay Packers too. They want different champions, like Lennox Lewis in boxing. It’s our nature to want a changing of the guard. Maybe [Cena] needs to take a back seat, then rise up again in a year or two.”

source: sescoops

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  1. I think that he sets a very good example for kids and adults. An i really respect him for not wavering on his morals and goals. an besides him my two year old doesnt have many superstars on that show to root for. That i approve of.

  2. I KNOW John is a solid example. I know because he's my role model. People are just jealous of him and hate him because they are not real and not true to themselves. I respect him, I'm a loyal Cena fan and stand FOR him, BESIDE him AND WITH him all the way! He has great morals, great example and I look up to him, and look forward to tell him myself one day how much of an example he is and how he inspires me and continues to teach me tons of things, including how to Rise Above Hate! He's a true man indeed!

  3. Why do people hate him so much I respect him as a person and an entertainer what have I missed each week the boos get louder I just don't get it! Anyone know the back story to this?

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