Raw went off air. 2/7/2011
John Cena and Randy Orton defeated CM Punk and The Miz in a tag team contest following Monday’sRaw broadcast.
John Cena and CM Punk had a “battle rap” during one of the show’s commercial breaks.
source: sescoops.com
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john cena esti cel mai mare wrestler al istoriei,esti favoritul meu,eu sunt andrey,si sunt reprezentantul unei societati de batrani,am apelat la tine cu o mare speranta ca ne vei ajuta in problema noastra,cum ai putea sa ne ajuti,trebuie sa face o incapere mare pentru batrani acestia,trebuie sa ajutam acesti batrani,dac vrei sa ajuti printr o donatie contacteaza andreyutzu_1992@yahoo.com si v ei vorbi personal cu mine
ReplyDeletejohn cena you are the greatest wrestler in history, you're my favorite, I am andrey, and are representative of the old company, I turned to you with great hope that you will help us in our problem, how can you help us, must to make a large room for these old people, must help the elderly, if you want to help through a donation contact you andreyutzu_1992@yahoo.com and they talk to me personally