After Monday’s episode of WWE RAW from Pittsburgh went off the air, it was time for the dark match main event.
CM Punk teamed up with Sheamus against John Cena and Triple H. The match did not go for too long, with both Cena and Triple H hitting all their signature moves.
The finish came when Cena and Triple H simultaneously and Cena pinned Punk. The heels left the ring and Cena and Triple H celebrated for a few minutes before heading to the back.
Source: sescoops
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john cena my i have a signed autograph im one of your biggest fans
ReplyDeleteCM Punk and the Miz might as well be dating each other . They always stab from the back. I hope that Cena wins the Wrestle mania match against the Miz.I liked every movie that the Big show and Cena came out with. But Debiase do not needs to be starting in any love scenes.He needs to keep practicing. Good Luck John Cena